ToughPigs Halloween Parade 2020!

Published: October 26, 2020
Categories: Feature, Fun Stuff

Halloween Parades
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Despite the COVID crisis, despite the election, and despite our collective quarantine insanity, life goes on. (Trust me, time is actually moving forward.) We finally made it into late October, which means it’s time for our grandest of ToughPigs traditions: The Halloween Parade!

Yes, this is the time of year when Muppet fans everywhere dress up as their favorite Muppets, Monsters, Skeksis, and Fraggles. Throughout the year, we collect our favorite costume images – including those from last Halloween, Comic Cons, and from years past – so we can share them with you just before spooky season.

If you have a great Muppet costume, or if you find any online that you love, please be sure to email them to us for use in next year’s Halloween Parade!

Folks sure do like dressing up as Muppets! The Swedish Chef, as always, is a perennial favorite, and I’m always pleased to see unique renditions of classic faves like Kermit and Mahna Mahna. Honestly, I’m just glad everyone seems to have built costumes that let them see at the same time.

This guy dressed as Gonzo, dressed as Hunter S. Thompson. It’s a gonzo Gonzo. And when he leaves the party, he’ll be a gonzo Gonzo gone, so…

Look, Aughra is a tough enough character to pull off well even with the magic (and budget) of The Jim Henson Creature Shop. So it’s particularly impressive to see someone nail her likeness with mostly makeup. Incredible.

I love Fraggle Rock costumes for their potential simplicity, as well as the way they skirt that line between mild obscurity and looking like a crazy person. But it’s also amusing to see how different people interpret the location of Red Fraggle’s eyes.

I’ve seen great Sir Didymus costumes in the past, but I’ve never seen such a great Ambrosius! Good dog.

Undisputed Fact: Gonger is the Muppet character find of the last century. Therefore, I’m super glad to see that a few patient parents found a way to bring our favorite sous chef to life.


Those are some amazing knockers!


Big props to this group for dressing as the Electric Mayhem, but even bigger props for taking a photo on a bus. We all know that’s how the band rides in style!

Who doesn’t love a good Labyrinth costume? No one, that’s who. And we all especially love the ones that go above and beyond. For example, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone attempt Jareth’s white owl costume from the end of the film. Y’all are making David Bowie proud.

These Muppet Babies babies are making my dreams come true. But nothing beats that Nanny, who is appropriately only the lower half of a human being.

Scary vintage Sesame Street costumes alert! With (understandably) disturbed children in tow. The sadness, confusion, and fear in their eyes are all completely justified.

The Dark Crystal‘s Kira seemed to be popular this year, and no Kira is complete without her Fizzgig accessory.

Hey, that’s not just any old Jim Henson cosplayer – that’s Muppet Babies producer and voice actor Matt Danner! Seems like he has dreams to keep on voicing Baby Kermit until he grows up into Regular Kermit.

Wait, they let kids dress up for Halloween too? I guess that’s sort of cute. And these costumes look pretty dope. Okay, we’ll let them in. But next year, y’all better be adults!

Maybe next year I’ll use this idea for the Junk Lady from Labyrinth, if only because I’ve already got so much junk.

Hmm… Kermit, Miss Piggy, a Doozer, and Jim Henson? Sounds like this family is dressed as Muppet Family Christmas for Halloween.

One of these years, we’re finally going to see an adult dressed as Oscar with the baby as Bruno.

Eek! It’s the GOP! Just kidding, it’s nothing that scary – just a bunch of Skeksis. But maybe check under your bed tonight to make sure there aren’t any senators down there…

Every part of this image is terrifying. Yes, even that part. Happy Halloween!

Fun Fact: Wooden spoon sales tripled this year thanks to the success of Age of Resistance and breakout character Hup.

It’s a sign of a happy childhood if your family did a full-on group costume of Muppets. It’s a sign of an even happier childhood if your parents let you go nuts as Animal for the night.

Every year, we find one exceptional Sweetums costume. This year’s Sweetums looks absolutely incredible. (And – almost as great – look back at the first image in this article!)

When your kid wants to dress as “Sesame Street,” you dress your kid as “Sesame Street”.

Who wore Yip best?

Every year, we declare a “winner” of the Halloween Parade (which, honestly, means nothing) and this one was primed to take the (carrot) cake. The cheap logo, the perfect whisker curl, and the fact that he doesn’t look at all like a “bad dream” (ahem) makes him a near-perfect Captain Vegetable. He’d easily win this year’s Parade if it weren’t for our last entry…

Wow! I’ve never seen anyone attempt a Wilkins costume before. It’s not instantly recognizable as a Muppet cosplay, but the sublety is perfection, and the black-and-white photo is icing on the cake. And I’m not just awarding it Winner of the Halloween Parade because I’m afraid of getting punched, flattened, blown up, or shocked if I don’t choose Wilkins.

And thus ends another ToughPigs Halloween Parade! We hope you enjoyed it, we hope you have a great actual Halloween, and be sure to send us all your Muppet costumes for next year’s Parade!

Click here to curl your whiskers on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –

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Written by Joe Hennes

Co-owner and Editor-in-Chief.
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