The Ugly Muppet Toy Pageants

Muppet fans love collecting Muppet toys. Unfortunately, not all Muppet toys are cute — in fact, some of them are just plain ugly. That’s why we have the Tough Pigs Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant, in which we ask readers to submit photos of the ugliest toys they can find, then vote to determine which ones are the absolute ugliest. But the real fun comes from the hilarious commentary provided by the voters. Tough Pigs readers are hilarious, and they have a LOT to say about unattractive toys.

Here you’ll find links to all the Ugly Toy Pageants so far:

The Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant 2024

The Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant 2013

The Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant 2010

The Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant 2008

The 4th Annual Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant (2005): The Semi-Finalists

The 4th Annual Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant (2005): The Winners

The 3rd Annual Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant (2004): The Semi-Finalists

The 3rd Annual Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant (2004): The Winners

The 2nd Annual Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant (2003): The Semi-Finalists

The 2nd Annual Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant (2003): The Winners

The Ugly Toy Contest (2002): Winners

The Ugly Toy Contest (2002): The Ugliest Toy We Could Find

The Ugly Fozzies: A Weird Collection – the article that inspired it all

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