OK, Watch the Muppets Go!

Published: August 23, 2011
Categories: News

First we heard the band (and viral video masters) OK Go would be doing a music video of the Muppet Show theme song with the Muppets themselves to promote  The Green Album.  Then they teased us with a trailer, which I didn’t even realize was a thing for music videos. Then we got a look behind the scenes, which only served to further whet our appetites. Or to make us yell, “WHERE’S THE MUSIC VIDEO, ALREADY?!”

And now, at long last, the video is online!  So we can watch it!  Here it is:

I’ll probably be saying this a lot in the near future, but: Wow, this is a great time to be a Muppet fan.  Now watch the video get ten billion hits by the end of this week!

Click here to get bonked on the head by Marvin Suggs on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe – Ryan@ToughPigs.com

Tagged:OK Go

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