OK Go Gets Okay to Go Make Muppet Video

Published: August 7, 2011
Categories: News

okgokermitIt’s been almost two years since we caught wind that OK Go was recording a cover of The Muppet Show Theme for The Green Album, which was plagued with delays and rumors and other frustrating things. And now that we’re getting closer to the album’s actual release (on August 23!), it seems that we’ll be getting some bonus content to go along with the album in the form of an OK Go music video!

No matter your opinion of OK Go, you have to admit that their music videos are extraordinary. From their Rube Goldberg machine to their trained dogs to their treadmill choreography, every video they’ve made results in some amazing filmmaking. So to have the Muppets involved in their video for The Muppet Show Theme is something to get truly excited about.

I for one can’t wait to see what OK Go has cooked up. In any case, this video is bound to go viral, as most things with OK GO and the Muppets do, so keep an eye on ToughPigs.com for more news on its release!

And in the meantime, enjoy these videos with OK Go band members hanging out with the Muppets as a little taste for what this collaboration might result in.

Click here to put a puppet on a treadmill on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com

Tagged:OK Go

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