Just Kidding, Christoph Waltz Will Be in Muppets… Again

Published: March 26, 2013
Categories: News


First we announced that Christoph Waltz would be playing an Interpol agent in The Muppets… Again, then we had to take that back after he was replaced by Ty Burrell, and now we’re throwing you for yet another loop by revealing that Christoph Waltz will be in the new Muppet movie afterall.

In an interview with Christian O’Connell, Ricky Gervais dropped the bomb that he filmed a scene with Waltz.  Here’s the relevant bit:

I was working with Christoph Waltz yesterday. I mean it’s incredible, I said, ‘You’ve won an Oscar.’ He said, ‘It doesn’t make any difference.’ He’s just standing there, covered in dust, you know, surrounded by these Muppets.

So there you have it!  Waltz and Muppets and everything!

Click here to do a three-step with Waltz on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com

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Written by Joe Hennes

Co-owner and Editor-in-Chief.
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