RUMOR: Disney World’s PizzeRizzo to Close

Published: October 1, 2018
Categories: News

Things don’t look so good for Walt Disney World’s Muppets Courtyard.

First the Miss Piggy fountain dried up and got turned into a giant (ugly) planter.  Then the iconic hot air balloon was taken down.  Then Muppet*Vision 3D got a makeover, which unfortunately also made it easy to replace on a moment’s notice.  Then the Muppets Courtyard wasn’t even called the Muppets Courtyard anymore.  And then they started selling off parts of the former balloon.

The latest indignity is that Disney World may be removing the Muppet restaurant PizzeRizzo.  The Rizzo-themed pizzeria has only been open since November, 2016.  The theming has been adequate, but it showed promise.

According to, PizzeRizzo may be closing for the holidays (or, “seasonal operation”, as they call it), with a potential re-opening next spring.  However, rumors are circulating that the restaurant may not re-open at all.

We’ll keep you updated on the status of PizzeRizzo as we learn more.  But for now, maybe pour out a bottle of pizza grease for our old pal Rizzo.

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by Joe Hennes –

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