Red, White and Green: Watch the Muppets’ American History Show

Published: October 3, 2016
Categories: News


The Muppets may no longer be on our TV screens or in movie theaters, but Disney has put enough faith in them to bring them to the theme parks.  While we wait for Rizzo’s pizzeria to heat up their ovens and keep an eye out for the newly returned Muppet Mobile Labs, the Muppets’ Great Moments in American History premiered this weekend at Liberty Square in the Magic Kingdom.

And because we are living in the future and everyone has a complete movie production studio in their pocket telephones, we already have video of both versions of the show!  You can watch both the Declaration of Independence and the Ride of Paul Revere shows below:

As you can see, the Muppets are built slightly larger so they can be seen clearly from street level, and I imagine that they’re also built to be a little more wear-and-tear resistant since they’re being manipulated by people other than their regular performers.  And I’m pleased to see that they’re lip syncing to a track and not trying to do imitations of the Muppets’ voices.  Also, it’s super educational, and maybe a little sexist.  Just like old Muppety times!

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by Joe Hennes –

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