“The Muppet Christmas Carol” Is Returning to UK Movie Theaters

Published: August 15, 2012
Categories: News

Hey, Muppet fans in the UK!  One of the best Christmas presents you’ll get this year won’t fit in your stocking: According to Den of Geek and a few other websites, The Muppet Christmas Carol will be getting a theatrical re-release in the UK starting November 23.

You’ve probably already seen it so many times you can recite some of the jokes and do Michael Caine’s little arm-dance in your sleep, but how often do you get to see it on the big screen?  However, unfortunately for people who like boring songs, Den of Geek has confirmed with the distributor that “When Love Is Gone” will not be present in the re-release version.

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by Ryan Roe – Ryan@ToughPigs.com

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