The Mup Art Show – January, 2014

Published: January 9, 2014
Categories: Art, Feature

It’s been a while since our last Mup Art Show.  Not counting our special Doctor Who edition, we haven’t posted a compilation of random Muppet art found around the web since last March.  And that’s not okay.  Well, it’s kind of okay.  But just barely.

Enjoy our latest look at some of the best Muppet fan art on the internet!  If you’re an artist and you’d like your work to be included in a future installment of The Mup Art Show, please feel free to email your submissions to us.

Periodic+FINAL+largeby Mike Boon

6abc917c14f55b965419be92d93fef89by Fernando Degrossi

muppetsmangababy Gustavo Duarte

muppets_pirates_final_lineup_by_suburbanretrosaur-d5xpz3fby Ally Albon

doctor_the_grouch_by_wytrab8-d5z9wt7by Hillary White

murray_and_ovejita_by_jonnybcartoonman-d5zx1a2by Jon Brangwynne

fraggle_rock__laundry_day_by_aerinsol-d5y2zo1by aerinsol

0374e130d7537011b0e7ae95576bda3c-d5y5arwby Jason Tirendi

tumblr_mlz59cKpE91rzkslqo1_500by Dan Romens

tumblr_mmxbtdq7Py1qinh0ko1_1280by Ian Vazquez

jhhby David Rosenberg

tumblr_mmlnwnn4rC1sqtzcuo1_1280by Nico Colaleo

line5-30-15by Amanda Rodgers

660by Glen Brogan

jimby Brian Kesinger

castlevania_small_by_sergevirusx-d6767l5by Sergevirusx

tumblr_moltwuFOwW1r0j2yvo1_500by Michael Rapa

tumblr_ll8q9ndRWv1qjbsz5o1_1280by Rebecca Morse

FROG+700via Gimmick Tees

tumblr_mnuizoGe3a1qio3r9o1_1280by Erin Flanagan

tumblr_mqrlooEd761qio3r9o1_r2_500by Erin Flanagan

berteyesby Jarrod Fairclough

tumblr_mix4yb2V0N1qe3n5io1_1280by Amy Mebberson

durkintrioby Kenny Durkin

sir_oscar_grouch_by_wytrab8-d6asrzjby Hillary White

ludo_friend_by_quibly-d6cwvxpby Werner Mueck

show_days_by_newjm-d635holby NewJM

one_wild_and_crazy_frog__by_bubbleduck-d64kxtaby Mike Rosenbaum

pigs_in_space_by_sawuinhaff-d65lqumby Sawuinhaff

here_s_to_jane_by_convincingjosh-d63x43kby Josh Hankemeier

colbert_the_eagle_by_laurcifer-d64gkycby Laure Bersig

fm_pop_culture_016___behind_the_scene_by_flyingmouse365-d6adj5cby Chow Hon Lam

fm_pop_culture_003___waiting_for_the_bus_by_flyingmouse365-d64aztjby Chow Hon Lam

image_by_ironlegchee-d63lcb1by Ironlegchee

duck_in_a_box_by_averagejoeart-d64sahkby Average Joe

7775972_origby M. Kaye Kalisek

tumblr_mqnug8Dlt91rs5rzko1_400by Martin P. Robinson

Lew-Zealand-and-Aquaman-colourby Roger Langridge

breaking-bad-muppetsby Mike Wrobel

muppetsfinalstore_originalby Chantal Moosher

tumblr_mrczbyptqg1r6m3eno1_r2_1280by Erica Henderson

tumblr_mqu7btHcYq1r6m3eno1_1280by Erica Henderson

Kermit The Night Stalkerby Vince Dorse

SuperGroverby Vince Dorse

run-red-run-grover-super-grover-double-01by Michelle Miller (Note: He’s made out of felt!)

muppet_sillies__by_daabcreative-d6giad1by Luke Daab

fraggle_line_up_by_otisframpton-d6guehmby Otis Frampton

golden_teeth_and_golden_tones____by_groovy_gecko-d6hz71zby Groovy Gecko

1150235_510159192395156_1124661923_nby James Silvani

tumblr_mrmukdVpfi1s92l7vo1_1280by Matt Nelson

Many, many thanks to all of the talented artists we’ve featured above!  You’re all amazing.

Click here to add a little shine to Dr. Teeth’s gold tooth on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –

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Written by Joe Hennes

Co-owner and Editor-in-Chief.
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