Watch a Nintendo Man Meet a Henson Man

Published: June 30, 2015
Categories: News, Uncategorized

Miyamoto Henson
Everyone’s favorite part of Nintendo’s presentation at the recent E3 Expo was the video featuring Nintendo executives turning into Star Fox characters, which was all achieved with puppets made by the Jim Henson Company.

In the days since the presentation, the internet has lit up with delight as fans have realized that Henson was behind the puppets.  The same fans should be equally delighted with this video posted by Nintendo, documenting a trip to Jim Henson Studios by Nintendo’s legendary Shigeru Miyamoto, during which he takes a look at the puppets and has a half-subtitled chat with Brian Henson.  Take a look:

Thanks to Tough Pigs pal Mike C for the alert!  Click here to step over Charlie Chaplin’s footprints on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe –

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