T-Shirt Roundup #2

Published: April 28, 2011
Categories: Feature, Fun Stuff

If there’s one constant in life, it’s that Muppet and Sesame Street t-shirts will always pop up under our radar. We’re often surprised to find interesting designs online, at our local Targets or Wal-Marts, or at the back of our pajama drawer. So why not gather the latest threads in one place and provide some links to where you can buy them?? Wait, why am I asking you that? I should just do it.

PS: Check out our last t-shirt roundup right here! Okay, enough reminiscing. Go look at these new shirts!

AllYourCookiesCookieMonsterAll Your Cookies

Okay, so this joke is only about eleven years old. That’s a little too old to be relevant, but too young to invoke any sort of nostalgia. Maybe it’ll be funnier when the joke is old enough to vote. Also: Doesn’t the text box look like it should be censoring something? I can’t imagine what would be so filthy on Cookie Monster’s stomach… and I really don’t want to.


Rainbow Kermit

Kermit, what are you doing?? Get down from there! Don’t pull that rainbow out of the cloud! You leave it where you found it! Near those low-flying stars. Bad Kermit. Bad!!!

CookieSightingCookieMonsterCookie Sighting

I have to admit, the first time I saw this Bigfoot parody, I thought Cookie Monster was wearing sunglasses. Maybe Bigfoot would’ve been accepted into society if only he looked like he was ready to ski down the K-9 in an 80s teen movie.

zombiesBlah / B is for Brains / Frenemies

It was only a matter of time before the Sesame Street gang fell victim of the vampire/zombie/public domain monster craze (with, apparently, a chibi twist). Spooky Count makes sense, and I can get behind an educational zombie gag, but the lifeless Bert and Ernie scares the junk outta me. I don’t know what that look in their eyes mean, but I have a feeling it isn’t the need to sing a song about the number six.

SizeMattersCookieMonsterSize Matters

Spoilers: He’s not talking about the cookie.

ThisJustHappenedElmoThat Just Happened

Okay, so I’m pretty sure there’s a story that goes along with this shirt. You see, Elmo was sitting on the stoop of 123 Sesame Street when Baby Bear flew into a porridge-induced rage and began pelting him with baked goods. After a well-aimed eggplant-flavored pie wallopped Elmo in his left cheek, our omnipresent narrator remarked that it had, indeed, just happened. And it had.

OldCookieIDCookieMonsterOl’ Cookie Monster

I want to know what went through the mind of the designer of this shirt. Was he listening to his favorite country/western album, “Return to the 36 Chambers“, and wondered how it would sound with Cookie Monster singing lead vocals? Did he notice that Cookie Monster is both Old and Dirty? Or was he in charge of making Cookie Monster’s fake ID?

teamkermitTeam Kermit

I dunno, I’m more of a Team Vincent Price fan.

sa_oscars rideOscar’s Ride

I am not a Doctor Who geek. But if I were a Doctor Who geek, I would probably explode at the awesome hammerspaceity of this shirt. Also the fez.


We Stand with the Muppet Lobby

There’s always been a certain amount of sheer pride that goes along with being a Muppet fan. And although the main reason for this shirt’s existence is to raise awareness of PBS’s potential de-funding, I prefer to think of it as a sign of unification that brings people like you and me (and yes, even you!) together under the banner of education, humor, art, felt, and two ping pong balls.

Watch this space for more t-shirt spotlights real soon!

Click here to wear it on your sleeve on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com

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Written by Joe Hennes

Co-owner and Editor-in-Chief.
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