TP at NYCC: Caroll Spinney Video Interview

Published: November 1, 2010
Categories: Feature, Interviews

As you may recall, the New York Comic Con happened a few weekends ago, and your close personal friends from Tough Pigs were there (Click here for Joe Hennes’ round-up of the con). Between all the excitement of buying back issues of NFL SuperPro and posing for pictures with Chewbacca, we also managed to squeeze in some video interviews with several cool people who are of interest to readers of this website.

We’ll be posting those over the next few days and weeks, and we’re going to kick things off with perhaps the specialest of all the guests at the con: Sesame Street‘s Big Bird and Oscar himself,Caroll Spinney, who was at the con to promote an upcoming exhibition of his artwork at the Toonseum in Pittsburgh. So check out the video below, watch as I try not to implode while talking to a television legend, and hear Mr. Spinney talk about his cartooning, working with celebrities, his opinion of the Katy Perry scandal, and romantic tension on Sesame Street. at NY Comic Con: Caroll Spinney from on Vimeo.

We’ll be posting more info soon about the Toonseum exhibition, so keep an eye out for that. And of course, our thanks to Mr. Spinney for his time, and for his decades of excellent work on our favorite TV show.

By the way, the super-slick animation of the TP logo seen at the beginning and end of the video was created by our pal Dave Hulteen, whose swell Muppet art has been seen here on several occasions. Thanks, Dave!

Stay tuned for more Comic Con interviews! And click here to be six years old on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe –

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