UPDATE: Please note the date change. The appearance will now be on Thursday, September 26th.
We’re mere days away from the release of Jim Henson: The Biography, and author Brian Jay Jones is already in the midst of promoting the book. One of his first stops: The Today Show.
With Frank Oz.
Yep, Brian Jay Jones and Frank Oz will be pulling a double-whammy on Today on the day of the book’s release: Thursday, September 26th. The interview will most likely fall in between 7:00 and 9:00 AM.
As always, we’ll try and provide the video link once it pops up online, but we still recommend tuning in, since Frank Oz doesn’t get the chance to talk about Jim Henson and the Muppets on live TV all that often. Also, because Frank Oz. (Do you need a better reason?)
Click here to get up early for Frank Oz on the ToughPigs forum!
by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com