Muppets and OK Go on The Tonight Show!

Published: August 18, 2011
Categories: News

We were pretty stoked to hear that the Muppets would be doing a music video with the band OK Go to promote The Green Album.  Now there’s more stokerrific news, straight from the band’s website: The Muppets and OK Go will soon be performing together on a major network television show!  It’ll be happening on The Tonight Show on Wednesday, August 31st.  That’s the show hosted by that guy Jay Leno. Check your local listings.

I know it’s almost 100% guaranteed that there’ll be a video of the performance online the next day, but I might just stay up to watch it anyway.  It’s Muppets on TV!

Thanks to Zach and Jonathan for alerting us to this!  Click here to wish the Muppets were appearing on anyone else’s show but Jay Leno’s on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe –

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