Miss Piggy Will Be on Project Runway Tonight, Hopefully For Real This Time

Published: January 19, 2012
Categories: News

A few weeks ago, we told you Miss Piggy would be appearing as a guest judge on Lifetime’s Project Runway All-Stars, because that’s what we had been told.  But then Piggy wasn’t on the show, so we were made to look like dirty liars.  Now several different websites (like BuddyTV) are reporting that Piggy will be on the show tonight, and in case you’re still skeptical, there’s even a video preview:

So tune in to Lifetime tonight at 9:00 PM/8:00 Central to see Miss Piggy, unless this is all some big practical joke. And hey, maybe one of the contestants on the show will go on to become the next Lady Holiday!

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by Ryan Roe – Ryan@ToughPigs.com


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