No More “Give a Day…”

Published: March 10, 2010
Categories: News

kermitIt seems that Disney recently remembered that they own the Muppets, because they featured our felt-covered pals in their recent “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day” campaign. With high-quality commercials, print advertisements, a couple collectible pins, a Main Street parade, and one particularly well-made personalized website. (Click here for our full coverage of the Muppets’ involvement in the Give a Day campaign!) Well, I hope you didn’t get used to these advertisements, because the Give a Day, Get a Disney Day campaign is over.

It was nice while it lasted, but according to the official website, you can no longer volunteer a day of your time to receive a free day at a Disney theme park. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel free to volunteer on your own time, but would it really be worth it without great Muppet content to back it up? I’ll leave that up to you to decide.giveaday

Click here to Give a Day and Get Nothing in Return on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –


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Written by Joe Hennes

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