Dream a Dream and Download It on iTunes

Published: September 6, 2013
Categories: News

Fraggle Rock Dream a DreamThe Jim Henson Company has been tossing various Fraggle Rock-related items at us in celebration of the show’s 30th anniversary this year, but one major tie-in managed to slip right past us without us noticing.  It’s a tribute album called Fraggle Rock: Dream a Dream and See, and it’s apparently been available on the iTunes store since July 25th.

The cover art looks a bit like a fan effort, but this would appear to be an official release, bearing the notation ? Beta Petrol/Jim Henson Company in its fine print.  (??  What does that mean? I knew Rs and Cs hung out inside circles for legal purposes sometimes, but this is my first time seeing a P encircled.) The album has 18 Fraggly tracks by various artists, including Kyle Andrews, Jenny O, and A Magic Whistle, which kind of sounds like something one might find in Fraggle Rock.

You can purchase the album on the iTunes store here… and stay tuned for our review!

Thanks to Tough Pigs friend Colton for the alert! Click here to dance your cares away with Juiceboxxx on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe – Ryan@ToughPigs.com

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