Coming Soon to Your Bookshelf: A Muppet Encyclopedia

Published: October 2, 2013
Categories: News

Poster Kermit Piggy READ booksLast night, the Museum of the Moving Image in New York — the best museum in the world for Muppet fans — hosted a panel discussion and book signing to promote Jim Henson: The Biography by Brian Jay Jones. We’ll probably have more to say about the event later, but there was one item mentioned that’s worthy of immediate release: Craig Shemin, who was moderating the panel, announced that he just finished writing an “official Muppet character encyclopedia,” which will be published by DK Publishing. They’re the ones who do those nifty “Visual Guides” to things like Star Wars, World of Warcraft, and superheroes, so when the book is released, it’s sure to be both informational and really cool-looking.

I had originally written here that we didn’t know when the book would be available, but Tough Pigs pal Matt informed me over on the Tough Pigs forum that The Muppets Character Encyclopedia is already listed on Amazon with a release date of February 7, 2014. Just in time for Valentine’s Day!

And for those of you saying, “But Muppet Wiki is a Muppet character encyclopedia!”… Sure it is, but this one will be official, and it’ll fit on a bookshelf, and maybe if we’re really, really lucky we’ll get some new photos for some of the character entries. I’ll start crossing my fingers now.

Click here to sell Muppet encyclopedias door-to-door on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe –

Tagged:books | News

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