Creature Shop Toys at Chick-fil-A

Published: July 16, 2012
Categories: News

UPDATE: Click here to read the latest in the Chick-fil-A saga, and why the Jim Henson Company is pulling these toys off the shelf!

Meanwhile, over at Chick-fil-A, they’re offering Jim Henson’s Creature Shop toys in their Kid’s Meals from now until August 18!  So if you can overcome your boycott of the conservative fast food chain, you should totally get yourself a set of these guys.

The toy is essentially a plastic tube with cut-out features for customizing your own puppet.  If you collect all five, you can build a super mega puppet, Go-Bots-style.

Thanks to Jeremy Wilcox and Twitter user @Bigbird96 for their help! Click here to eat mor chikin on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –

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