Hubba-Wha?! Episode #8 – The Contest of Champions
Season one of the greatest Muppet game show podcast ever comes to an end with a BATTLE FOR THE AGES!
Season one of the greatest Muppet game show podcast ever comes to an end with a BATTLE FOR THE AGES!
How much do you REALLY know about Gonzo? Find out in the latest episode of HUBBA-WHA?!
Robin gives Grover a Fraggle pebble, Santa Claus arrives, and someone’s gotta do these dishes.
The Muppets finish the carol sing and Kermit gives Miss Piggy her Christmas present.
You can’t have Christmas without the Muppets! How much do YOU know about the Muppet holiday specials??
The Muppets keep singing EVEN MORE Christmas songs! And we keep learning about them!
The Muppets just keep singin’!
The Muppets sing some Christmas carols and then sing some more Christmas carols.
Piggy enters the farmhouse and everyone gets ready for the annual carol sing.
Kermit & Robin say goodbye to Fraggles and the whole gang says hello to Miss Piggy.
Frogs and Fraggles sing “Pass It On.”
Doc goes to look for Piggy and Kermit & Robin find a Fraggle hole.
How much do YOU know about the last 20 years of Muppet productions? Find out in the latest episode of your favorite Muppet game show podcast!
Big Bird sings with the Swedish Chef and Beauregard plans his agenda for tomorrow.
Fozzie & the snowman get heckled and the Swedish Chef prepares to cook Big Bird.
Miss Piggy walks through a snowstorm and Fozzie & the snowman try to do their act.
The Sesame Street gang finishes their pageant and Miss Piggy calls from a blizzard.
The snowstorm gets worse and the Sesame Street gang rehearses their pageant.
The Sesame Street gang settles in and the turkey negotiates himself out of getting cooked.
The Sesame Street gang breaks up a fight by singing Christmas carols.