First (Spoilery) Muppets… Again Set Photos Revealed

Published: March 6, 2013
Categories: News

Potential spoilers ahead for The Muppets… Again! You have been warned!!

Thanks to the UK’s Daily Mail, we have some set photos and a video from the upcoming Muppet movie!  It looks like Kermit and Piggy’s wedding is being held at the Tower of London, and for some reason, Kermit needs to sneak his way in behind a bouquet of flowers.  Meanwhile, onlookers are… looking on, equipped with banners featuring Kermit and Piggy’s faces in front of the British flag.

UPDATE: As pointed out to us on our Facebook page, “Kermit” has a mole on his face.  Perhaps we’re looking at our very first images of Kermit’s doppelganger Constantine!

Check out the pictures below, and then scroll down for a short video taken of the set!

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Thanks to Matt Wilkie for the head’s up! Click here to sneak into a castle on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –

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Written by Joe Hennes

Co-owner and Editor-in-Chief.
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