Chinese New Year: Year of the (Tough) Pig

Published: February 4, 2019
Categories: Feature, Fun Stuff

Chinese New Year is upon us, and on February 5th, we will enter the Year of the Pig.  And if that doesn’t sound like a call to action for a website with “pig” plastered all over it, then we’re not doing our jobs.

It is time to say goodbye to the Year of the Dog, and hello to an upcoming year that will be dedicated to the one and only Miss Piggy.

(Yes, I know that it’s named for the entire species of pig, but the world’s most famous pig would easily make it all about herself. And honestly, that’s what this article is going to do too.)

Before we get into the meaning behind this year, we need to prepare for Chinese New Year.  According to tradition, this is the time when you need to clean your home in order to rid yourself of all bad luck.  Now, cleaning isn’t really something that Miss Piggy would find rewarding, but she’d like the next part: On Chinese New Year itself, you’re forbidden from doing any cleaning at all, lest you accidentally remove any of the new good luck for the coming year.  No cleaning?  Now that’s something Piggy can get behind!

The holiday should be spent relaxing and refraining from any sort of housework.  No cooking, no chores, no nothing.  As much as someone like Miss Piggy loves performing, I’m sure she’d love chilling on the couch in her bathrobe as a close second.  Hey, the holidays can be rewarding!

Piggy might find it difficult to keep to the tradition of not spending any money, but I’m sure she could find a loophole.  For example, there’s probably a generous frog out there who can do a little shopping on her behalf for a day.  The poor sucker.

Chinese New Year is also a time for performances, with dancing, music, and costumes.  The only difference between this year and any other is that Miss Piggy will insist on being the star of every one.  Actually, now that I think about it, she’d do the same thing even if it wasn’t the Year of the Pig.

All that is well and good, but what is it about the Year of the Pig that relates so strongly to the Muppets’ resident porcine diva?

People born under the sign of the Pig are perfectionists who enjoy the finer things in life.  They’re good companions until someone double-crosses them, and that’s when the gloves come off.  They’re intelligent, but exclusive.  They lack self-confidence, but rarely show it outwardly, and they often require demonstrations of appreciation.  They love fashion, and despite being ignored.  It is highly recommended to avoid being enemies with a Pig. Sound like someone we know???

The Year of the Pig is heavily rooted in luck and fortune.  Miss Piggy may be the type to make her own luck, but it wasn’t talent alone that led her from the pigsty to TV star to film legend.  And as a pig who enjoys the finer things in life, she’s no stranger to a wealthy lifestyle.

Lastly, the Year of the Pig is the 12th and final year in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac.  And I can think of no better way to go out with a bang than with the queen of closing numbers herself, Miss Piggy.

We hope you have a fantastic Chinese New Year, and a prosperous Year of the Pig!

Many thanks to Katie Lee Hill for her expertise in writing this article! Click here to set off fireworks on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –


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Written by Joe Hennes

Co-owner and Editor-in-Chief.
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