What’s the Exciting-est News?

Published: September 14, 2009
Categories: News

Are you all caught up on all the Muppet news from Disney’s recent D23 convention? If not, you can click here or just scroll down for Tough Pigs’ coverage of all the Muppet-related announcements.

Of course, the Disney people and the Muppet people act like everything they announce is the greatest thing ever. But in reality, a lot of this stuff is probably not going to be that thrilling, even to us fans, and I’ll bet you a shiny new penny that not everything announced even sees the light of day.

And yet… Muppet news! Yay! So let me ask you this: Which of the Muppet announcements from D23 is the most genuinely exciting?

Is it the newly announced Muppet film, The Cheapest Muppet Movie Ever Made? Is it the new viral videos, which all your friends will be e-mailing you, asking “Have you seen this?”

Or are you more excited about the new options for the Whatnot Workshop Muppets, which will allow you to own your own very furry Muppet? Or the Electric Mayhem bus at the Disney parks, giving kids of all ages the opportunity the chance to exchange sleepy mumbles with Zoot?

Or maybe the sure-to-be-terrifying upcoming Halloween special gets your motor running. Or the sure-to-be-adorable Muppet Pook-a-looz, or maybe the Vinylmation figures. What about the rockin’ Muppets Revisited CD?

Or are you more like, “Hey, screw all this new stuff! The only thing I’m excited about is finally getting season four of The Muppet Show on DVD!”

Or maybe you’re completely unmoved by all this stuff, and you’re more worked up by something else I didn’t mention here because I don’t care about it very much.

Either way, let us know which announcement makes the Muppet aortas of your heart go pitter-pat by voting in the poll on the Tough Pigs forum, which can be found by clicking here. And while you’re on the forum, feel free to join the discussion! We have a lot to say about all this stuff, and I bet you do too.

Click here to talk about Muppets and stuff on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe – Ryan@ToughPigs.com

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