VCR Alert: Kermit and Piggy on Barbara Walters Special

Published: September 6, 2012
Categories: News

According to our pals over at StitchKingdom, Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy are set to appear on a special two-hour edition of 20/20, celebrating the best in television.

Best in TV: The Greatest TV Shows of Our Time with Barbara Walters” will air on ABC on September 18 at 9:00pm EST, just a few days before the Emmy Awards.

Presumably, this means that Kermit and Piggy have won in the “Best Non-Human Character” category, which I’m sure you all voted for a few months ago.

Some other friends-of-Muppets will be featured int he program as well, including Tina Fey, Florence Henderson, Lorne Michaels, Rob Reiner, and Betty White.

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by Joe Hennes –

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