TV Guide Still Exists, Has Muppets on the Cover

Published: August 5, 2015
Categories: News

As reported by the Muppets’ own Facebook page: The Muppets are the cover story in the newest issue of TV Guide, the magazine everyone relies on for knowing what programs are on what channel at what time when they sit down to see what’s on television. Here’s the cover, featuring noted platonic co-workers Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy:

TV Guide Muppets 2015
Dear Disney, thank you very very much for making a Muppet TV show.  Please build a new photo puppet of Kermit that doesn’t suffer from flat face.  Love, Muppet fans.

Check your mailbox or your local newsstand for the issue in the next few days!

Click here for the latest Ray Donovan news on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe –

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