Truro Daydreams CD now available!

Published: February 27, 2010
Categories: News

trurocoverThe great Jerry Nelson’s album “Truro Daydreams”, (which we reviewed here) has been available in its downloadable format for a few weeks now. But there are a few of us who decided to sit on our hands until the album was available in a physical compact disc format.

Well, we’re pleased to announce that Truro Daydreams is waiting on for you to purchase! For just a few dollars more, you can receive your very own copy of the album, hold it in your hands, play catch with your dog, buy a bunch and build a chandelier, or whatever you’d prefer. Hey, it’s your dime.

Click here to buy Truro Daydreams from, where you can also buy it in MP3 format (also available at And if you don’t, then don’t come crying to me when you’re expelled from Muppet Fandom University. Yeah, it’s a real thing now.

Click here to break out your CD player on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –

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