Troubled Waiter, Part One

Published: September 29, 2004
Categories: Uncategorized

Troubled Waiter
Part 1: MnemoniaScreen shot 2011-08-08 at 11.32.23 AM

(Fat Blue tries to attract the waiter’s attention. Grover runs by.)
Fat Blue

Oh — oh, waiter!

Just a moment, sir!
(Grover runs by again.)
Fat Blue

Well, I —

I’ll be with you in a moment!
(Grover approaches the table.)Screen shot 2011-08-08 at 11.32.28 AM

Yes, sir! Grover the waiter at your service, sir!
Fat Blue

Oh, good, thank you. I’d like a cheeseburger, with french fries and a pickle. And I’d like it right away, please, I’m in a hurry.

To serve you is my only pleasure, sir.
Fat Blue

Wait a minute — aren’t you going to write that down?

Sir, I am a trained professional! I do not need to write things down. Instead, I use my waiter’s memory.
Fat Blue

Yeah, but I ordered a cheeseburger with french fries and a pickle, isn’t that a lot to remember?Screen shot 2011-08-08 at 11.32.31 AM

Ha! Observe, sir. A trick of the trade. I remember things with a little poem. Ahem. Round and tasty on a bun, pickles, french fries, yum yum yum.
Fat Blue

I don’t believe this. Hey, hey! How are you going to remember it’s for me?
(Grover looks him up and down.)

Ummm… In a hurry to be fed, beady eyes and big blue head. Ha ha.
(Grover goes into the kitchen.)

Okay, Charlie, put on a round one!
Fat Blue

I don’t believe this. Awww, I don’t know why I keep coming in to this place, I really don’t!Screen shot 2011-08-08 at 11.32.39 AM
(Grover comes back with the meal.)

Okay, thanks, Charlie — boy, you cook fast, you know that?
Fat Blue

Oh, here it comes.

You are a good cook. Okay, there you are, sir. That looks delicious.
Fat Blue

What’s this?

That is your lunch.
Fat Blue

But… that looks like a grapefruit.

And so it is, sir. Round and tasty on a bun, pickles, french fries, yum yum yum. Something to drink with that?
Fat Blue

This is ridiculous! I don’t want a grapefruit!

Well, you should have thought of that before you ordered it!Screen shot 2011-08-08 at 11.32.44 AM
Fat Blue

Well, I DIDN’T order it!

Sir, sir, forgive me. In a hurry to be fed, beady eyes and big blue head. That is you, is it not?
Fat Blue

I do NOT have beady eyes!

WHY should we argue, sir? You have forgotten what you ordered — nothing to be ashamed of! It is not YOUR job as the customer to remember, it is MINE as the WAITER. Now, listen and learn: Round and tasty on a bun
Fat Blue


(Grover falls down in panic.)Screen shot 2011-08-08 at 11.32.49 AM
Fat Blue

Just LOOK at this plate!

Phew! Yes.
Fat Blue

Have you ever seen a grapefruit on a bun? Have you ever SEEN that before?

Come to think of it, I thought it was pretty weird when you ordered it, no.
Fat Blue

No, of course you haven’t!

Hmm. Well, then, you must have ordered something else!
Fat Blue


Let’s see, a peach? That’s round and tasty. How about a donut?
Fat Blue

Oh, listen —Screen shot 2011-08-08 at 11.32.54 AM

Whoa, wait wait wait! Look at that, sir! You know what that looks like? It looks like a hamburger bun here!
Fat Blue

Well, of course it’s a hamburger bun, that’s what I ordered! A hamburger with cheese on it!

Hold it! Hold everything! Lock the door! I’ve got it! A cheeseburger! You ordered a cheeseburger! What a good memory have I, is it not amazing?Screen shot 2011-08-08 at 11.33.03 AM
Fat Blue

Waiter… please… just go get me my lunch.

Yes, sir. Oh, I am sorry, sir, I cannot do that.
Fat Blue


Because I just remembered something else: When the great big clock says two, then the waiter’s work is through. Time to have a special treat, it’s the waiter’s turn to eat.Screen shot 2011-08-08 at 11.33.14 AM

Let’s see, what should I have… maybe some swordfish today, or some chicken… No! I’ll have a cheeseburger! Maybe with fries, and a pickle? (Grover heads into the kitchen.) Hey, Charlie! Lunch time! Break out the good stuff!
Fat Blue

Ohhhh… ohhhhhhh!
(Fat Blue faints.)

(from the kitchen) I expect you to clean that up, sir.
(Grover disappears back into the kitchen.)Screen shot 2011-08-08 at 11.33.21 AM

by Danny Horn

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