Here at the ToughPigs lab, we’re constantly discovering new portions of our own Periodic Table of Muppet Fandom. We’ve got the noble gases of Chris Smigliano, the alkali metals of Peter Savieri, the metalloids of Ryan Roe, and me, the neodymuim of the group. And now we’re adding the next piece of the puzzle: Jay Fosgitt.
Jay is an incredibly talented cartoonist in Michigan, and he’s got a cadre of Muppet toons under his belt. Thankfully for us, he’s a bit of a Muppet fanatic, which resulted in some slightly obscure references in his work, including Sam and Friends, Emmet Otter, and The Christmas Toy. His new online comic, Dead Duck, just premiered online, which you can view here.
Keep an eye on this space for more Jay Fosgitt soon, when we’ll unveil his latest Land of Gorch comic strips. And no, I’m not kidding.
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