ToughPigs Art: Plush Muppets with Frootbats

Published: September 20, 2024
Categories: Art, Feature

Recently I came across a Muppet artist and all round fun person on Instagram known as Frootbats. Scrolling through her work, I found myself more and more in love with her fun designs of Fraggles and Muppets, with plush Pops being a particular favorite.

Bats (as she told me I could call her – I guess we’re besties now?) has been kind enough to let me show off some of her artwork here on ToughgPigs. She’s also got a plethora of non-Muppet artwork here on her website, and a great Etsy page where you can buy yourself a sticker of Mokey cuddling Wembley, which is all I’m asking for these holidays.

Bats has also done a massive deep dive into Season 1 of Fraggle Rock, which is over 3 hours long! Grab the popcorn and settle in here!

Take a look below at some fun Fraggles, Wembley in a bottle and a cheerfully murderous Dr Bob…

Thanks again to Frootbats for letting us showcase her work! You can follow her on Instagram here! (It’s well worth it)

By Jarrod Fairclough –

Click here to dress up as Miss Piggy on the ToughPigs Discord!

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