TIME Magazine Meets the Muppets (and Jason Segel)

Published: June 10, 2011
Categories: News

TIME magazine’s Joel Stein visited the set of The Muppets recently, and lucky for us, he wrote a lot of stuff down! Read the entire article online right here!

A few interesting things to note in the article:

Eric Jacobson says “I’m probably a bigger fan of what I grew up watching than what I’ve been a part of.” It’s always great to hear the Muppeteers talk about how great their predecessors were, but is he hinting that we shouldn’t expect the new movie to be as good as the old ones?

Nick Stoller says “We wanted an Elmo cameo, but that wasn’t going to happen. There’s too much money resting on that guy.” With Sesame Street cameos in all three original Muppet movies, this would’ve been a great tie-in to that tradition. It’s sad to hear that it won’t be happening, and now I’m wondering just how expensive Elmo is…

“Amy Adams can sing every lyric of every song I can name from 1979’s The Muppet Movie.” That’s just awesome.

And for those of us who miss the good ol’ days of actually reading things on paper, check out these scans direct from the magazine itself, including a new photograph from the movie! See that, internet? You don’t have everything!page1page2

Thanks to Ryan, Anthony, and Erik for their assistance on this article!

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by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com


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