We at Tough Pigs headquarters have spent the past weeks combing through your entries and scouring the globe for ugly Muppet toys, and now the time has come. Now it’s up to you to decide which toys are the ugliest of the ugliest, and which toy in particular is the ugliest of the ugliest of the ugliest.
Here’s how it works: Below, you will find 18 finalists. Send your votes to me –Ryan@ToughPigs.com – by May 20. Rate each toy on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “not that ugly” and 5 being “extreeeeemely ugly.” And include your color commentary on each toy. A big part of the fun of the pageant is seeing how creatively the Tough Pigs readership can describe the grotesqueness of various toys.
Please note: I got a lot of duplicate entries. In these cases, I’m crediting the submission to the first person to send me that particular toy. So if you see a toy here with somebody else’s name attached to it, well, you just should have e-mailed me faster. And now, the ugly toys! (As is usually the case with these things, you can make the images bigger by clicking.)
Them toys is ugly, isn’t them? And now it’s time for you to do your part. Send your votes to me at Ryan@ToughPigs.com, rating each toy on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being “not that ugly” and 5 being “extreeeeemely ugly”) by May 20. Be sure to include your color commentary on each toy!
Click here to wonder why toymakers can never make a good Fozzie doll on the Tough Pigs forum!
by Ryan Roe – Ryan@ToughPigs.com