WWE’s The Miz Hangs with Walter, Announces “Muppisodes”

Published: December 4, 2013
Categories: News

mizThe Muppets have surprised us over the years by starting up a relationship with the angry, heavily muscled, chair-throwing wrestlers of WWE.  Continuing with that bizarre combination, a video has popped up online featuring WWE star The Miz and the Muppets.

The video is a behind-the-scenes look at his upcoming “Muppisode.”  What’s a Muppisode, you ask?  Your guess is as good as mine!  It seems that we can look forward to a series of short Muppet sketches, some of which feature celebrities.  So even if you don’t care for wrestling, you’ll still get a kick (or a punch, or a half-nelson) out of seeing the Muppets work on something new.

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by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com


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