First Look: Super7’s Sesame Street ReAction Figures

Published: June 26, 2023
Categories: News

The folks at Super7 have announced their upcoming line of Sesame Street toys for their “ReAction” line. Joining their recent release of Electric Mayhem (plus Scooter) figures, we’ll be getting minimally-detailed throwback figures of Bert, Ernie, The Count, and the Yip Yip Martians.

As you can see in the image above, Bert will be packaged with a little Bernice the pigeon, and Ernie will be joined by his Rubber Duckie. And I’m guessing that the thing behind the Yip Yip Martians is a stand to help them achieve the effect of hovering.

If you’re interested in pre-ordering these bad boys, just visit the Super7 website. They’ll be officially released in November, 2023.

Here’s hoping that Super7 will continue their lines of Muppet and Sesame toys, and we’ll be seeing even more Muppet characters on the way!

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by Joe Hennes –

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