Fozzie Bear’s Studebaker to be Restored

Published: January 23, 2024
Categories: News

Okay, so according to The Muppet Movie, Fozzie Bear’s uncle left him his Studebaker while hibernating (which Fozzie learned to drive via correspondence course). It was later painted in a Pop Off pattern by the Electric Mayhem, and then traded in to Mad Man Mooney’s Hubcap Heaven in exchange for a station wagon and a nickel.

But then what happened to it???

I’ll tell you what happened! Fozzie’s car ended up at The Studebaker Museum in South Bend, Indiana. The 1951 Studebaker Commander has been on display there for years, but if you’d gone to see it in person, you’d barely recognize it (which I guess was Dr. Teeth’s intention when the band painted it). No, not because it’s rainbow-colored, but because the color was so very, very faded.

Over the past couple years, The Studebaker Museum was raising funds to restore this classic car, and it seems that they’ve succeeded in that endeavor. This month, the car is being sent to Razorfly Studios – a company that specializes in custom-built movie replica cars – for a full refurbishment.

The car is expected to look just like the mock-up seen above, brightly-colored and movie accurate.

So… who wants to road trip to South Bend?

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by Joe Hennes –


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Written by Joe Hennes

Co-owner and Editor-in-Chief.
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