Proto-Grover, JP Grosse, and Wilkins Dusted Off for Smithsonian

Published: September 25, 2013
Categories: News

The Muppets are history.  American history.  Officially.  Forever and ever.

Some of the biggest and not-as-biggest names in Muppets, Sesame Street, and Fraggle Rock have been donated to the Smithsonian and will be on display at the American History Museum in Washington DC.  From the universally recognizable JP Grosse to the incredible obscure Miss Piggy, they’re all ready for your viewing enjoyment.

Below, you’ll see a veritable ton of pictures as well as video of the entire press conference.  First, here’s Miss Piggy with two other recognizable Smithsonian museum pieces: Dorothy’s ruby slippers and the actual Hope Diamond.  As you can tell, Piggy likes shiny things.

ruby slippers hope diamond

Next up, some classy blank-background photos of the puppets themselves.

smith cookiesmith count
smith elmo smith ernie
smith fozzie smith grosse
smith grover smith red
smith rowlf smith wilkins

Here are some more puppets being prepped for display, along with Jim Henson Legacy Executive Director and Muppet designer Bonnie Erickson.

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Finally, here’s the entire press conference!  Happy watching!

Click here to wonder where Proto-Grover’s been all this time on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –


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