Segel & Adams Hit Vegas to Plug the Muppets

Published: March 30, 2011
Categories: News

themuppetslogoNot much in the way of new news here, but a good sign that Disney wants everyone to know about the upcoming Muppet movie: Yesterday at CinemaCon, a Las Vegas trade show for the movie industry, Disney’s presentation included an appearance by co-writer/star Jason Segel and co-star/future Lois Lane Amy Adams, who talked about the film and showed a few minutes of clips. Apparently there were no Muppets present for the show, but I guess they’re all busy working on other projects.

As reported by and various other websites, they also mentioned the fact that there are four original songs in the movie, a number I don’t think we’ve heard before. I mean, obviously we’ve heard of the number four before, but I don’t think we’d heard specifically that there are exactly four new songs in The Muppets. And now we just have 236 days and change left to wait until the movie comes out…

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by Ryan Roe –

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