Watch Miss Piggy Find a Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Published: November 7, 2021
Categories: News

Last week, Miss Piggy was honored by being invited to participate in Disney’s Queen Family Singalong, which featured a bunch of celebrities singing familiar songs by the band Queen. It was not, as I presumed, a singalong honoring the real queen, Miss Piggy herself. Maybe next year.

Below, you’ll be able to watch Piggy and Jimmie Allen sing “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”. Animal also made an appearance in the special, although that’s not online quite yet. And if you need more, Piggy and Animal made very brief appearances in the group singalong of “Bohemian Rhapsody“. Anyway, enough of me – here’s Piggy and the less-important Jimmie Allen with a Queen classic:

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by Joe Hennes –

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