Nick Stoller Says the Muppet People Are Working on a New TV Show

Published: May 6, 2014
Categories: News

A gaggle of Muppets
Even the tiniest morsel of encouraging Muppet news is cause for celebration, right?  Well, here’s a nice one.  While promoting his new movie Neighbors, screenwriter Nick Stoller was asked by about the underperformance of Muppets Most Wanted and the possible future of the franchise on the small screen. Stoller had a few things to say, which you can read and hear on the Collider site, but here’s the big important quote:

I know they’re working on something to get them back on TV.  I have no idea where it’s at, but I definitely think so.  I mean, they’re such rich characters, and it’s very easy to pitch on stories for them, and think of ideas for them.  They don’t feel used up…I think there’s a big opportunity for that kind of variety show.  You could do it partially live.  There are all these things you could do with Muppets that you can’t do with a lot of other things.

Here’s a link to a video clip.  Of course that’s pretty vague, but it’s great to know that we’re not the only ones who are thinking about the Muppets coming back to TV.  You can read the whole article on Collider.

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by Ryan Roe –

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