Kermit (and Joe the Legal Weasel) Tease Muppets Now!

Published: August 25, 2019
Categories: News

Good news: The Muppets have revealed a teaser for Muppets Now, the miniseries coming to Disney+! Bad news: Nobody caught any video of the teaser. Moderately better news: Someone did get an audio recording!

The uploader of the following video conveniently edited in some photos of Kermit and Joe the Legal Weasel so we know what the heck is going on.  Hey, better than nothing!  It’s like a teaser for the teaser.

Anyway.  Here’s the teaser, which literally does nothing but tease.

EDIT: The original version of this article mistakenly assumed the visuals seen in the video were official.  We’ve been had!

Click here to go into weasel law on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –

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