The Muppets Loses Its Only Emmy

Published: September 13, 2016
Categories: News


Today in disappointing news, we’ve learned that The Muppets, which received just one Emmy Award nomination, was not successful in taking the little golden statuette home.

Despite being the only show that not only had to construct brand new 360-degree sets that were elevated and at times made to specific sizes, The Muppets lost the award for Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Program (Half-Hour or Less) to Transparent.  And while Transparent certainly had some impressive set design work, you just can’t compare to the fantastic job done by The Muppets‘ crew.

This is just the final nail in the coffin for The Muppets, having been unceremoniously canceled and mostly ignored by the television academy.  Thankfully, we’ve still got The Fozzie Awards to look forward to, which will almost certainly be giving a few awards to the cast and crew of The Muppets.  Figuratively, I mean.  We only have the one award.

Congratulations to the crew of The Muppets for their nomination!  Transparent can never take that away from you!

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by Joe Hennes –

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