Muppet T-shirt Design Contest: A New One!

Published: September 12, 2011
Categories: News

Boy, it’s been so long since there was a Muppet t-shirt design contest on the internet.  Why, it was three whole months ago that held their Muppet design challenge.  So it’s high time for another one, and WeLoveFine has obliged with a new contest of their own.  As with the Threadless contest, the winning design will be printed on an actual-for-real t-shirt.

The theme is “adventure,” submissions are being accepted from today until October 2, and the winner will be announced on November 11, which should give us just enough time to order the winning shirt design to wear to the movie theater when we go to see The Muppets on the 23rd.  Except we’ll already have the Threadless shirt by then, so maybe everyone should bring both shirts to the theater and change halfway through.

Check out the details of the contest and get the submissions kit right here on!

Click here to wonder how many submissions will feature Kermit as Indiana Jones on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe –











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