Muppet news from Lylle Breier

Published: May 3, 2010
Categories: News

statlerwaldorfyoutubeToday the MTV Movies blog posted an article on current Muppet goings-on which featured several quotes from Muppets Studios general manager Lylle Breier. You can (and should) read the article by clicking here, but here are the three most important topics addressed, presented here in handy bullet point form:

  • The next Muppet YouTube video will feature the song “American Woman,” and will debut Memorial Day weekend.
  • The Muppets’ appearance on the Lost Slapdown web series will premiere on May 5. (That’s Wednesday!)
  • And perhaps most intriguing, and most confusing: Breier claims the next Muppet film will be Jason Segel’s The Greatest Muppet Movie project, while The Cheapest Muppet Movie Ever Made has been “set aside.” This would seem pretty definitive, if it weren’t for the fact that we’ve been told so many different things about the movie. So we can remain optimistic, but I would advise against getting a Jason Segel’s Greatest Muppet Movie RAWKS tattoo just yet.

Click here to talk about all this stuff on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe –


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