ToughPigs Art: Thomas Hope

Published: June 21, 2013
Categories: Art, Feature

Whenever I put together our regular Mup Art Show collections, I always always always include the newest Muppet fan art from Thomas Hope.  So despite the fact that most of these pieces have already been featured elsewhere on ToughPigs, we felt that he deserved a proper spotlight.  And once you see his work, you’ll understand why.

For more of Thomas’s fantastic work, be sure to visit, where you’ll find even more pop culture fan art in his unique style.

Many thanks to Thomas Hope for allowing us to repost his work!  And remember, click on the images below to embiggen.

kermit sam_eaglehopegonzo the_electric_mayhem boober borkborkbork dance_your_cares_away jimhenson

Click here to Hope that somethin’ better comes along on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –

Tagged:fan art

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Written by Joe Hennes

Co-owner and Editor-in-Chief.
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