More Filming for “The Muppets”

Published: July 25, 2011
Categories: News


UPDATE! A friend of Tough Pigs who was present during the filming described below tells us that the woman in the photos and video who appears to be Amy Adams is, in fact, her stand-in, as the real Adams is currently busy being Lois Lane for the upcoming Superman movie. Movie magic, folks!

As our pals at The Muppet Mindset have noted, a website called HollywoodPatch has posted photos of some apparent reshoots for The Muppets that took place over the weekendon Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles. Jason Segel, Amy Adams (see update above), and a bunch of Muppets (and Muppet performers!) showed up, along with a crowd of extras. As you may recall, this is the same location where a long night of filming took place back in January. There’s no word on why they had to shoot new footage… Maybe there was a hair on the lens last time?

Also, somebody posted the video below on YouTube… You can’t really tell what’s going on, but hey, it’s Muppet moviemaking!

Click here to wish you had been there to ask for Sweetums’s autograph on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe

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