(Muppets Most) Wanted Poster

Published: October 28, 2013
Categories: News

MMW poster

Hey, lookit that!  It’s our first poster for Muppets Most Wanted!  That’s pretty exciting.

I mean, it’s yet another poster with a bunch of characters (and a few human celebrities) in a big group, looking straight ahead.  And again, it tells you nothing about the movie itself.  And it uses the same poster photos Disney uses in everything… okay, so it’s not so great.  Dang.

Some things worth noting:

  • Two Kermits???  No, that’s Constantine.  I wonder what his pinky finger tastes like.
  • Pepe and Foo-Foo both make the cover, pretty much guaranteeing that we’ll see a few B- and C-list characters in the film.
  • Once again, the human stars get top billing.  And I guess they look like they’re having fun.  (That’s what smiling and waving indicates, right?  Fun??)  But I wish the Muppets would be the funny ones in the poster, rather than relying on the fact that they’re more brightly-colored.
  • “Taking the world by farce”.  Cute.

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by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com

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