Watch and Read Miss Piggy’s Take on Oscar Night Fashion

Published: March 4, 2014
Categories: News

Miss Piggy E Oscar fashion

When you think about it, it’s pretty ridiculous that people get paid to go on TV and editorialize about what movie stars wear to the Oscars.  Is it really that important, when there are much more significant things happening in the world, like John Travolta mispronouncing Idina Menzel’s name?

But yesterday, E! managed to find the one person whose Oscar fashion opinions I’ll actually take the time to listen to: Miss Piggy.  Here she is, discussing the best and worst dressed, along with some other, less interesting people:

And just in case you want to hear more from the pig, she also wrote a blog post about the red carpet fashions for Disney’s website. You can read that here.

Thanks to Tough Pigs pal Rachel Herrick for the alert!  Click here to hang keys on Cate Blanchett on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe –

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