Muppets and Boobs: Loaded Magazine

Published: April 11, 2012
Categories: News

Our pal Dave Hulteen spotted this issue of the British periodical Loaded Magazine, featuring the Muppet gang and a half-naked girl.  Dave refuses to tell us which one caught his eye first, but he did manage to grab some scans of the issue to share with us!  But first, here’s a little message from Dave about his find:

I kind of feel like I’ve traveled back in time lately as I walk around my neighborhood or hang out at the mall and see kids wandering around with Muppet stuffed animals and singing “The Rainbow Connection”. They’re quoting lines from the movies and show, wearing Muppet shirts, doing Swedish Chef impersonations, and talking about who their favorites are. On top of that, you can see the Muppets everywhere and children are happy all over. Of course, you and I both know that the Muppets were never just for kids, so imagine my surprise when that became perfectly clear when I saw the March 2012 cover of Loaded magazine, complete with Kermit, Gonzo, Animal, Fozzie, and a big ol’ pair of knockers, as googley and pronounced as Beaker’s eyes. Whoa!

Loaded magazine is one the UK’s biggest selling men’s magazines, and hey, it’s here in the states too apparently. As a man targeted as their main audience, I was easily drawn to the Muppets and boobs in quite possibly the most effective marketing ploy I’ve ever been snagged by. In this issue, Kermit is guest editor where he has supposedly been working hard with the staff to produce this month’s issue. There seems to be very little influence from him though throughout the magazine, but they even credit some other Muppets as being part of the staff (Beaker is the Deputy Editor, Janice is Fashion Assistant, Robin contributed, and Marvin Suggs shot some photos just to name a few).

Understand this, this is not a publication to pick up for your 10-year-old nephew (even though you’d probably be his hero for the rest of his life). It is preceded by a topless photo shoot of India Reynolds who happens to share the cover with the gang. She actually references the Muppets by mentioning she loves them and would definitely go on a night out with Miss Piggy. If that wasn’t adult enough for you, there’s an article immediately following the Muppets’ feature about the Christiania Sports Club Of Denmark and how they smoke weed before every game.

But let’s get to the real reason we all want to pick up this issue of Loaded: for the six page spread of the Muppets (and quite possibly the racy pictures of the smokin’ hot Kelly Rowland from Destiny’s Child). The majority of the article is an interview with Jason Segel. Despite being questionably obsessed with him showing off his wang in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, the interviewer uncovers some interesting stories from Jason. I particularly enjoyed reading how he read Winnie The Pooh in a tough British pub to get in a more Muppety mood to write the script. The article also includes non-Muppet mentions to Youtube’s Sad Kermit and the 2 Girls 1 Cup reaction video, as well as Vomitting Kermit from Conan.

Kermit himself is also interviewed and keeps it classy and cool when he’s questioned about “pigs, dicks, and pond scum”. The real treat from the whole thing though is an interview with Gonzo which is hysterical. My favorite bit is when he’s asked about how crappy his stunts are and if he thinks they’re any good, to which he responds, “Any stunt you can walk away from is a good stunt. And any stunt you have to be carried away from (in multiple trips) is an awesome stunt.” Fortunately, both Kermit and Gonzo’s interviews are on Loaded’s website.

Click here to read Kermit’s interview.

Click here to read Gonzo’s interview.

Click here to keep your eyes up here, buddy! on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –

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