More Muppet Movie Casting Rumors: A Whole Heap of Celebrities

Published: November 12, 2010
Categories: News
Lady Gaga (left) and Kermit at the 2009 Video Music Awards

Lady Gaga (left) and Kermit at the 2009 Video Music Awards

What do Paul Rudd, Jack Black, Jane Lynch, Danny Trejo, Ed Helms, Lady Gaga, John Krasinski, Donald Glover, Eric Stonestreet, and Kristen Schaal have in common? They’re all rumored to cameo in the new Muppet movie. How reliable is this information? Well, it came from a Twitter feed, so it could be completely made up, but a few blogs (including The Playlist) have deemed it worth reporting.

Here are part one and part two of the two-part tweet by film & TV production site Production Weekly that drops the famous names. And here’s the follow-up tweet that corrects the erroneous statement from the second tweet that Paul Rudd would be voicing Walter, the new Muppet. You got all that?

So far every major casting rumor we’ve heard (Chris Cooper, Amy Adams, Rashida Jones) has turned out to be true, so I’d say most of these guys have a pretty good chance of being in the movie. And that’s cool, because I like all those guys. If we hear a rumor tomorrow that Ashton Kutcher or Dane Cook or my high school chemistry teacher is in the movie, I’ll be much less enthusiastic.

By the way, if you know of something else that all of those people have in common, I would love to know about it.

Click here to wonder who Danny Trejo’s favorite Muppet is on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe –

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