WATCH: Muppets Haunted Mansion Trailer!

Published: September 23, 2021
Categories: News

It’s time to put on Halloween makeup and it’s time to light the blacklights, because it’s almost time to get things started for the Muppets’ newest special, Muppets Haunted Mansion!

Now that all of the celebrities have been announced, we’re ready to focus on the real stars of the special: The Muppets. And we’re doing that with the first full trailer! Watch it below!

Okay, there’s a LOT to unpack here. We’ve got Miss Piggy as Madame Leota and Fozzie as the Hatbox Ghost. We’ve got lots of references to the classic Haunted Mansion attraction, including the stretching room, the changing portraits, and the floating candelabra. And we’ve got lots and lots of Muppet ghosts. Rest in peace, Scooter.

Honestly, it’s almost disappointing to be spoiled at so many Muppet cameos. There’s a ton of them! Check these folks out:

When was the last time we saw Johnny and Sal? Or Phil van Neuter? Or, I dunno, Mo Frackle? And this marks the grand return of Brian Henson as a Muppet performer, as we hear his vocals as Sal Minella in the trailer. Fantastic.

There’s so much more to see and soak in, but we suggest holding your paranormal theories and speculation to yourselves and stay excited for the full Muppets Haunted Mansion special when it premieres on Disney+ on October 8th!

Click here to raise the curtains and raise the dead on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –

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