Good Morning America: Better with Muppets

Published: September 20, 2011
Categories: News

Did you happen to tune your television dial to ABC this morning as you ate your Frosted Cheerios?  If you did, you probably saw some Sesame Street Muppets — specifically Grover, Elmo, Rosita, Cookie Monster, and Oscar — as they “took over” the show.  And if you actually turned a dial to tune your TV, you probably have a really old TV.  It was a lot of fun, even if the Muppets had to share air time with boring stuff like weather forecasts, Celine Dion interviews, and news stories about murder.

If you missed it, you’re in luck, because our pals at Muppet Musings have created a YouTube playlist of all the Muppet stuff.  Hopefully this fancy-schmancy embedding thing will work and you can see it all right here:

Of course, all this is just to whet our appetites for the new season of Sesame Street, which starts next week on PBS.  Yay!

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by Ryan Roe –

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